Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against General Motors, accusing the company of secretly selling driver data to insurers. Learn how this affects millions of Texans.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit accusing General Motors of secretly collecting data on car owners' driving habits and selling it to insurers without their consent. The lawsuit alleges that GM's deceptive business practices have affected 1.8 million Texans who own GM-made vehicles.
According to the lawsuit, GM collected information on driving habits such as nighttime driving, sharp turns, and hard braking. This data was then sold to insurance companies, potentially allowing them to adjust auto insurance rates based on these driving behaviors without the drivers' knowledge or approval.
The case raises significant concerns about privacy and the extent to which companies can collect and use personal data without explicit permission from consumers. If the lawsuit is successful, it could set an important precedent for how driver data is managed and shared by automotive companies in the future.
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