by Myariyoblog
August 30th 2024.

Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, has lost parental rights in Switzerland amid accusations of child abuse by Irina Bolgar. He is also under investigation in Paris, with French authorities seeking information from Switzerland.

Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has been deprived of his parental rights in Switzerland following serious allegations made by Irina Bolgar, the mother of his three children. Bolgar has demanded €150,000 per month in alimony and accused Durov of child abuse.

The controversy has expanded beyond Switzerland, with French media reporting that Durov is under investigation in Paris for allegedly abusing one of his children.

This development has raised significant concern, although a source from the Paris prosecutor's office has clarified that the investigation in France is separate from Durov's recent detention in the country.

The French authorities have requested information from Switzerland regarding the allegations against Durov. This international collaboration aims to address the accusations comprehensively and ensure that all relevant details are considered.

The situation has drawn widespread attention, highlighting the complex nature of cross-border legal issues and the impact of high-profile cases on international relations.

The legal proceedings in both Switzerland and France are expected to continue as authorities work to resolve the allegations and determine the appropriate actions.

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